
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Optional installation of Octasic Softecho

cd /usr/src
tar zxvf octvqe8-01.0x.00-pr-<arch>.tgz
tar zxvf octvqe8-01.0x.00-pr-base.tgz
cd octvqe8-01.0x.00-pr
cp -rf octvqe /usr/src/zaptel/kernel
cd /usr/src/zaptel/kernel/octvqe
amportal stop
make; make install
killall octvqed
wanrouter stop
rmmod zttranscode
rmmod zaptel
rmmod octvqe
modprobe octvqe

cd /usr/src/octvqe8-01.0x.00-pr
cp octwareec.h /usr/src/zaptel/kernel
cd /usr/src/zaptel/kernel
nano zconfig.h
Look for the line that starts with "#define ECHO_CAN" and edit it to read#define ECHO_CAN_OCTWARE
(Cntl-x, y, ENTER)
nano zaptel-base.csearch for the section that starts with "/* Echo cancellation */"
There will be several similar lines defining the various echo cancellors.  Add these lines
#elif defined(ECHO_CAN_OCTWARE)
#include "octwareec.h"
(Cntl-x, y, ENTER)
cd /usr/src/zaptel
make clean; make; make install
modprobe zaptel
cd /usr/src/octvqe8-01.0x.00-pr
chmod 500 register32
chown root.root register32
If using a sangoma A200 with included softecho licenses run "wanrouter start"
Follow activation instructions
cd /usr/src/zaptel/kernel/octvqe
cp octvqed /usr/sbin/
cp octvqed.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/octvqed
chown root.root /etc/rc.d/init.d/octvqed
chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/octvqed
chkconfig --add octvqed
chkconfig octvqed on
cp octvqed.conf /etc
Edit octvqed.conf to configure the echo canceller.
reboot and verify the echo canceller is working
cat /proc/octvqe

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